Satin Spar Selenite Tower/Skyscraper

tranquillity | cleansing | protection – chakra: crown – zodiac signs: taurus – elements: water – planets: moon – mineral family: gypsum – crystal system: monoclinic – colour: translucent to opaque white – affirmation: “i am at one with myself, those around me, the earth, and the universe” – best for: unblocking stagnant energy, promoting…

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Large (20cm), Medium (15cm), Mini (6cm)

9 reviews for Satin Spar Selenite Tower/Skyscraper

  1. sylviagoh22

    Tampilan:cantik banget

  2. chilariouss


  3. kyomi25


  4. naura_yasmin19

    So beautiful😍😊😃😄

  5. gothawear

    kurir nya tidak baik, paket saya di lempar begitu aja , kan bisa telfon biar saya ambil


    In love with the satin spar.. definitely going to buy another crystal from this shop. With a decent price you get an amazing quality crystal🖤🖤

  7. difawinny24

    Seller nya baik dan ramah banget. Mau minta retur bisa, karna tidak sesuai. Responnya cepet

  8. exotictail

    Wangi barengan Santo Palo ….dll… packing rapi….

  9. evabudijanto

    Produk sampaj dengan aman dan pengiriman juga cepat. Kristalnya juga bagus dan datang sesuai ekspektasi. Terima kasih ^^

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